Williamsville Dentist

Laser DentistryWilliamsville, NY

Doctor McCarthy has always been involved in the latest dental technologies available and she is one of the very first dentists in the area to own a Fotona Lightwalker Laser for laser dentistry.

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The Fotona laser is an FDA approved hard and soft tissue laser that is the most advanced laser for dental procedures allowing for high performance, minimally invasive treatment. The Fotona Lightwalker® operates noiselessly without direct contact with the tooth or surrounding tissues and does not create the uncomfortable heat, vibration or pressure associated with other methods in dentistry.

The Fotona Lightwalker can perform many different procedures including these treatments and many more:

  • Fillings: In some instances, cavities can be repaired without any anesthesia and without drilling
  • Periodontal Surgery and Periodontal therapy
  • Failing implant repair
  • Removal of veneers and ceramic crowns
  • Treatment of lesions including cold sores
  • Trigger point pain alleviation
  • Photobiomoduation to help with wound healing
  • Oral Surgical procedures
  • Skin resurfacing procedures

Snore Relief with the Nightlase Procedure

Snoring can have severe implications to your health and Dr. McCarthy can help you stay healthier with the Nightlase therapy. Nightlase is a non-invasive, patient friendly laser treatment that reduces the severity of sleep apnea induced snoring and decreases the volume of snoring using laser energy to tighten the back of the throat. Using the Fotona Lightwalker, Dr. McCarthy stimulates the collagen in the back of the throat which allows a patient to breathe easier 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

The Nightlase procedure involves absolutely no cutting, burning, surgery or pain. It gently allows the tissues in the throat to tighten and lift with laser light energy. The procedure is performed in a series of 3 to 5 visits spaced about 21 days apart to allow for maximum collagen production and takes about half an hour of treatment time. Unlike having surgery, there is no downtime with NIghtlase therapy.

Patients who choose Nightlase treatment report immediate results after just the first treatment and the final results are shown to last up to a year. When the year is up, you can repeat the treatment in one visit so you can enjoy the relief of this treatment for the rest of your life.

We have found patients of all ages benefit from the Nightlase procedure as the laser treatment is extremely safe. Athletes who are looking to improve their performance and stamina have also been among our patients who choose to have this procedure in our office.

If you are looking for a painless procedure to greatly improve the quality of your sleep and to improve your ability to breathe and perform at your best, call Dr. McCarthy for this life changing and life saving treatment.

Dr. McCarthy’s actual patient

Contact Us

Shannon H. McCarthy DDS is located at 777 Hopkins Road Williamsville, NY 14221.

(716) 689-8882